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in Newton, MA

Elevate Your Elegance

Newton Radiesse at Newton Medical Aesthetics

If you want to enhance your natural beauty and restore youthful contours, Newton Medical Aesthetics in Newton, MA, offers a solution beyond traditional dermal fillers. Our Radiesse treatments are designed to help you achieve remarkable results, all while maintaining a luxurious, boutique experience. Say goodbye to fine lines and wrinkles and hello to a more youthful, confident you.

The Red Carpet-Approved Life Hack

What is Radiesse?

Radiesse is a revolutionary dermal filler that has gained popularity for its exceptional ability to rejuvenate and enhance facial contours. Unlike some traditional fillers, Radiesse doesn't merely address the surface; it works beneath the skin to stimulate collagen production, a vital protein that gives your skin its youthful firmness and elasticity.

Effortless Chic

What are the benefits of Radiesse?

Radiesse may be the perfect choice for you because it offers a host of benefits that can help you achieve your desired look. You'll notice an immediate transformation and see a positive change right after the treatment. This quick enhancement can boost your confidence and make you look more youthful almost instantly

Radiesse encourages collagen production beneath the skin's surface, unlike other fillers, which only offer temporary results. It gets your body to produce more collagen, which is responsible for the skin's firmness and elasticity. Over time, this means your skin becomes firmer, smoother, and more youthful-looking, and these improvements continue to enhance your appearance, ensuring you maintain a natural and long-lasting rejuvenation. Plus, the treatment is customized just for you, so you can be sure you're getting the best possible outcome while enjoying a luxurious and boutique experience.

Newton Radiesse model smiling

Your Insta-Worthy Beauty Upgrade

Your Radiesse Consultation

At Newton Medical Aesthetics, we recognize that each individual has unique goals and concerns regarding their physical appearance. With this in mind, we offer a personalized approach to medical aesthetics that begins with a comprehensive consultation. Our Newton Radiesse team of highly qualified specialists will take the time to understand your needs and expectations and address any questions you may have. By working together, we will create a treatment plan that is tailored to your specific requirements, ensuring that you receive the best possible care and achieve the youthful look you've been hoping for. We appreciate the opportunity to provide our services and look forward to exceeding your expectations.

The Beauty Upgrade

Your Radiesse Procedure

On the day of their treatment with Radiesse Newton patients can expect a seamless and comfortable experience. Our experienced team, including Drs. Abramovitz and Agamov, will ensure you are at ease throughout the procedure. Radiesse is expertly injected to enhance your facial contours and address specific concerns. The treatment typically takes a short amount of time, allowing you to return to your daily activities with minimal interruption.

Newton Radiesse model with blonde hair

Ageless and Confident

Radiesse Recovery and Aftercare

Recovery following a Radiesse treatment at Newton Medical Aesthetics is typically swift and hassle-free. While you may experience some mild swelling or bruising, these effects are temporary and should subside quickly. Our team provides comprehensive aftercare instructions to make your recovery as smooth as possible. You'll be back to showcasing your refreshed appearance in no time, ready to embrace the world with renewed confidence.

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Immediate Results

Radiesse Results

One of the most exciting aspects of Radiesse is the immediacy of results. You'll notice a positive change in your appearance right after the treatment. However, what sets Radiesse apart is its ability to encourage collagen production. Over the following weeks, you'll observe your skin becoming firmer and smoother, with enhanced volume and contours. Your results will continue improving, ensuring you look your best and feel more confident each day.


Frequently Asked Questions

Radiesse is a dermal filler that stimulates collagen production beneath the skin's surface. It provides immediate results while encouraging long-term skin rejuvenation.

Radiesse is a versatile treatment suitable for a wide range of individuals seeking facial rejuvenation. During your consultation, our medical aesthetic specialists will assess your needs and determine if Radiesse is the right choice.

Radiesse offers long-lasting results, often lasting up to a year or more. The treatment's ability to stimulate collagen production means that improvements continue over time.

Recovery after Radiesse is typically minimal. You may experience mild swelling or bruising, which usually resolves quickly. Our team will provide comprehensive aftercare instructions to ensure a smooth and comfortable recovery process.